Be part of the Dream family

Dreams Take Flight is 100 per cent volunteer-powered. 

Volunteering is a unique way to give a trip-of-a-lifetime. Donate your time to plan or deliver a golf tournament, gala, or other fundraising activity.

We need volunteers from all backgrounds and with all skill sets. If you are over 18 years of age and would like information on volunteering, go to your local chapter page and click on the volunteer tab.

All volunteers must complete an application, follow the Members Code of Conduct and agree to a Child Abuse Registry (CARC) Check every two years.

Volunteers register with Dreams Take Flight. We track all your hours and give you credits. As they build up, you become eligible to join a Dreams Take Flight trip-of-a-lifetime.

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Please ensure to complete ALL 3 steps in order to apply as a volunteer.  

You MUST complete STEPS 1 to 3 for your application to be considered.  With some of the steps you may be required to return to this page to finish the process, if it does not automatically redirect you back to this page.

Let's Get Started!

Step 1

To begin, please review the Dreams Take Flight Code of Conduct.

Step 2

Enter your volunteer information and pay for your Dreams Take Flight Membership.
Remember: submitting a Membership form does NOT grant automatic membership. Those applications not approved, fund will be returned to the applicant.

Step 3

If your Membership has been accepted – You will be contacted after submitting this form with instruction on how to complete the CARC

Still Have Questions?

Shoot us an email!

We require volunteers from all backgrounds of life and all skill sets. If you are over 18 years of age and would like information on the types of volunteering opportunities that may be available, click on the volunteer tab on the local Chapter pages.

All volunteers must complete an application, follow the Members Code of Conduct and agree to a Child Abuse Registery Check every two years.